Saturday, January 1, 2011

I resolve...

I can't believe 2010 is over. This year has flown by. There's been ups and downs, but I have to say, it's been one of the happiest overall yet. The biggest change was getting married January 10, and settling into life with my new husband. That has been wonderful. :-) I'm so grateful for him.

Because I'm now sharing my life with him, the daily routines have changed. Zach is a self-motivated and highly disciplined guy. He's really helped me a lot in areas I'm weak. But I still have resolutions! :-) So, here they are:

1) Read a book a month, and read all my magazines. I spend way too much time watching tv and mindlessly surfing the internet. I've got stacks of magazines to read at all times(yay magazine job and free subscriptions) and lots of books I want to explore.

2) Keep to a fitness schedule,  get to my goal weight and accomplish an event. This year, I did p90x for 3 months and trained for a half marathon. I also had spurts where i'd only do cardio once a week. The last three weeks, I worked out with weights and cardio 3 times a week. I started going to classes at the gym, and my resolution is to keep it up. I want to lose that weight, tone up and be fitter overall.

My friend Faith has been trying to coax me into doing triathlons with her. Now that I don't have Willy anymore, I have a little more free time to say... train. I don't have a bike, but I might get one this year. If I don't do a triathlon this year, I'll at least do a running race or two.

3) Improve my photography and processing skills. I have so much to learn, and I hope to take more classes and seminars. I'd also like to become a better writer.

4) Be more organized. Zach keeps his papers and things in order and I.... don't. :-) Hopefully he'll continue to rub off on me and I can get that part of my life organized!

5) Balance my time better. I feel like every weekend is jam-packed with things to go and do. We both love spending time with friends and family, but both of us would like to take time to be at home on the weekends too (Zach wants to get things organized :-)). Maybe that means more phone calls, e-mails and such to keep friendships strong.

I guess i should put that I want to blog more. This week has been a record though....pretty sure 6 days in a row of daily posts is some kind of personal record! I don't plan to blog every day... maybe 1x a week or every other week. :-)

We'll see how these go! I have high hopes for 2011. :-) What are your resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. great resolutions, Abby! Now if only I could get mine together... :)
