Monday, September 22, 2008

What in the world wide web?

I spend a lot of time on the internet. Whether it's for work or for play, I am always amazed at what can be found online. Rather than only sharing my finds with one or two people and then forgetting about them almost immediately, I figured I could post on my blog! I hope you think these things are as funny as I do! Now, for your enjoyment I present:

How funny are these little soft high heels? They're for babies before they can walk. Love them!

Alicia showed me this blog about the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice. It keeps up with the actors and their careers, and has all kinds of must-have trivia for P&P fans like myself. I don't know if I've ever talked about it, but Pride and Prejudice is my absolute favorite movie ever. The end. Most of you who know me already know this and may even share my passion!

Any talk about the innernetz HAS to include LOLcats. Nuff said. The following photo is my very own Pierre.

Now for some youtube magic. 

Ninja cat. Please watch all the way through.

This guy is an amazing singer. Stick around till at least the 1 minute mark. It's definitely not something you see every day.

Here he is singing a Leona Lewis song. Normally I would be incensed that anyone would try to top her... but this is a GUY. Check it out!

Remember how I said I liked Pride and Prejudice? Well, I also love ALL Jane Austen books/movies. So, thanks to Alicia again, I present to my fellow Jane Austenites a smorgasbord of awesome. It's a music video  of the leading men from such classics as P&P, Sense & Sensability, Emma and others.... set to "Ain't No Other Man." Tell me what you think!

That's all for now! I'll have more for you in the future! Let me know what ya think!


  1. i love that ninja cat video :) sooo adorable!

  2. Oh my gosh! The video with guy singing: "A Whole New World" that was shockingly incredible, and I def got chills with the guy singing Leona Lewis! WOW!

  3. How do you post YouTube videos on your blog?

  4. Copy the link on the youtube page where it says "embed"

    Go to where you can edit the html on your post and look for the words < div >(no spaces) after whatever text you want to post the video after.

    Before the < /div >(no spaces) on the next line, paste the text you copied. hide the html to see how it looks. Hope this helped!

  5. Thank you so much for your help! It WORKED!

  6. Abby how are you so brilliant!??!?! I've been wondering about posting videos for months, now. such a smarty, you are!

    Obviously those baby pumps are adorable. I would totally make a baby wear them. Yes, I'm that mean. ;)

    Pride and Prejudice is MY all-time favorite movie. Reminds me of you. So glad I have a P&P buddy. By the way, haven't seen it in ages. I'm aching for a viewing of P&P as well as Sabrina (my #2 fav). I need a good review. Oh yeah, and I need to watch my "And the City." Here's what we need to do: Girl Night in D-town- French cafe and movie marathon. YES!!!

  7. Whoaaa... I left my earbuds at home and haven't been able to listen to the YouTube videos when I think about them. I just listened and DANG! That guy is nuts! He started singing "A Whole New World," and I was like "hmm... he's okay, but not awesome." I'm glad you told me to stick around till the 1:00 minute mark, because that was incredible!!!
