Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Life is ironic sometimes. Remember my post about my new iPhone? Three days later, while taking down the APHA booth at the NRHA futurity, someone stole my phone. Right off the table. I was SO sad. I'd just gotten acquainted with it and it was gone! I realized just how much I depend on a phone--any phone, not just an iPhone. I've lost my phone before, and I don't have a landline so I was pretty up the creek. Thanks to other technology like Skype, I wasn't too bad off with my iPhone stolen and I had actually packed my old phone by accident, so I was able to use it the next day. It just made me so sad that someone would steal a phone from a horse association at a horse show. I convinced myself a horse person didn't do it though.
I never did find my phone, and just an FYI: if anything happens to your iPhone, Apple and AT&T can't do anything for you. No insurance. My credit card insurance DID cover the phone though, so with a lot of begging to Apple and AT&T I was able to get another at the same price. I don't think that will happen again, so my little phone is bubble wrapped and even more chained to me now.

The more I have this phone, the more I know I'll be addicted to it. Worse than my old phone! It was definitely a wake-up call to have it stolen though. 

Also while in OKC the same night, I had some kind of allergic reaction. My eyes got all swollen(probably from crying over the dumb phone initially) and it never went away. I went to the doctor and she prescribed some steroid pills and allergy medicine, and I went on my way. My eyes got a little better and I laid off the eye make up for a few days. This past weekend though, I woke up on Sunday to eyes that looked like Hitch after he ate shellfish.

I'm not joking. I won't post the pic because it's so sad, but I freaked out! I had to be around people all day! I had a meltdown, poor Zach tried to make me feel better. I put on some makeup and thought i looked ok... till I looked in a mirror later and discovered a new principle: makeup sets on swollen eyes with bags under them to form WRINKLES. I looked like I had the eyes of someone decades older than me. I took benadryl, went to the doctor this week and got some more medicine, but I've been without makeup on my eyes this week.

This is something new I've discovered about myself. More than anything like my phone, I'm attached to wearing makeup... I have a complex I didn't even know about! I'm, pretty OK with my looks, but one thing I really take well, pride in, is making my eyes look nice with makeup. Waking up every morning with ultra-aged, puffy eyes this past week has been REALLY hard to deal with. I think maybe God wants me to realize I worry too much about how I look. It's something I do without thinking about--making sure I look presentable, but when one big aspect is taken away, I've had a really hard time. This is such a tiny thing in the scheme of what's going on in life right now that I just really needed to put things in perspective.

All that said, I'm wearing some makeup later today and I am STOKED. :-) Merry Christmas to me! And Merry Christmas to you all!


  1. Hooray for iPhones and makeup! So is the eye completely healed now? I'm guessing yes...

  2. I'm so glad that your eye is finally healed! It was so good talking to you today. I like your purple cover for your iPhone, it is presh! Also, I just read Katie's blog and think you should do the honest blog! I think it would be interesting and fun...who knows maybe I'll do it too!

  3. i once got sun poisoning and i looked like hitch too. believe me, no pictures were taken!! :D i had to work and i wore sunglasses, which probably made people look at me instead of realize i wasn't there because i was indoors...oh well. it was nasty. i feel your pain.
