Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I can't believe how quickly 2008 just flew by. This blog hasn't been around the entire year, but it's slowly turning into what I'd like it to be. :-) Photos and all. If you've got any suggestions for how I can make it better, share away!

While now is a time for reflection, it's also the perfect opportunity to set the good ol' New Year's resolutions. I did pretty good with most my resolutions this past year. I worked out fairly regularly, at least once a week or more. I ran a 5K race in November, which wasn't a goal January 1st, but I did buy a pair of running shoes on New Year's day to start the process of running a mile. I rode my horse at least once a week, excluding the time I was in Europe and the first several weeks he'd foundered. I improved a LOT in photography. I still have a long, long ways to go, but I'm slowly able to turn out photos like I imagine in my head. I hit all of my personal work goals for the past year. I didn't get any better with thank-you cards, but I sent out 70 Christmas cards and have gone digital with all of my addresses- thank you iPhone and Mac Book Pro. :-)

I most definitely have things I need to work on! Here they are.

Resolutions 2009
1. Commit to reading a daily devotional. 
This post on Stuff Christian's Like makes me laugh, but it's true. :-) I am excited to have found my old favorite Daily Bread where I can order it online HERE. Free! I used to get them at Wayside and I can't find them up here, so now I can start going through them again. Along with that, I want to spend more time in prayer.

2. Live "greener." 
Don't laugh, but I watched Wall-E not too long ago and it really made me want to start recycling. It's the least I can do! My apartment complex is starting a recycling program in January, and they claim they'll be trying to be greener. Yay! I bought some cloth grocery bags from H-E-B in San Antonio to carry my groceries here--while representing my fave grocery store. :-) That's a start... I'm sure I'll do more as I do more research. 

3. Improve work performance. 
These are goals I've set that I hope to achieve this year and you'd probably think they were boring. :-)

4. Work out at least 4 times a week.
Cardio activity is  set in  my life after this past year. I'm pretty regular about doing cardio on machines or running, but I could go more. I average 2-3 workouts a week. But here's the kicker: I have got to start lifting weights again! My whole mindset changed from college. In college I hated cardio with a passion but I loved lifting weights. Now, cardio takes less thought and I don't have to wait for the weights/machines. I have to figure out how I can get in at least 4 days of weights *and* cardio. It'd be better if I did more cardio, but this is a start.

5.  Run a 5K and a 10K.
I enjoyed the last race so much that I really want to do more, and push myself to double the distance to 6+ miles this year.

6. Be better with written correspondence.
I am still the worst at thank-you letters and cards of any kind. These days I'm good about purchasing the cards, but they sit on my desk... defeating the whole purpose. sigh. I have no excuse. I've got stamps and I've got the addresses.

7. Keep better track of my finances.
Last year I gave myself a really severe budget so I could save enough  money to go to Europe. And I was miserable and worrying all the time. I'm going to go back to being really careful again, because the money situation is not getting any better this year, but I would still like to save as much as possible. I'm lazy, so I decided to use the free Mint.com to track my input and spending. I signed up yesterday and it's amazing-- SO much less work than my failed attempt at Quickbooks several years ago. There's also an app for my iPhone. Score!

8. Ride Willy at least once a week.
This was a resolution last year, and I plan to keep it. I rode him yesterday at a lope for the first time in 5 months and it was glorious. He's finally better! YAY! He was sooo good. 

9. Blog once a week or more.
I've been all right at this, but I really want to post more. I keep thinking it needs to be some long entry, and I know that's  not true! What do y'all think?

I think that about covers it for now! I have more goals, but this is a good start. :-) What are your new year's resolutions?


  1. I love your New Years resolutions, I think you did pretty darn good last year! I hope y'all had a blast at the parade!!! Plus, you need to check your Skype chats...I left you a question!

  2. They all sound great Abby! I especially like the "live greener" one :) of course!
