Thursday, October 16, 2008


I found some great stuff online this week! Check it out!

This is adorable. I wonder what lil' Alfred and Pierre would do with that robot. Thanks for the link Faith!

My friend Megan sent this to me. I think it is a really sweet story!

There are some really great ideas on that site! One example: 
Chia pet: Wrap yourself in duct tape so that the sticky part is facing out, then roll around on the lawn.

So sad, yet so funny. I borrowed the photos and the captions from this blog-- check it out for yourself!

Oh my! I knew that Jim was going to propose to Pam eventually but at that gas station... in the rain? SWOON!

I'm no financial genius, but I'm guessing that the stock market is run by various sizes and colors of men with 60s-era phones attached to their ears.



Oh. My. God. Do you see what Philip is wearing today? It's a financial crisis, honey, not a fashion catastrophe.

Yeah, so I told the salesguy that I only really needed one TV but he was all like, "Why stop there?" So one thing led to another and... yeah... here's my wall 'o TVs.

Thank you for tuning in to What In The World Wide Web. :-) See ya next time!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha. what great photo/captions. I did some LOLs. for real.

    By the way, I'm pretty slow... took me a minute to get the WITWWW. sorry you have a dumb friend.
